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Sealing Of End Grain

The end grain of any timber member is far susceptible to moisture uptake, and unprotected areas to the styles of box frame sashes, casements, and window sills are generally more venerable and should be sealed to protect against and stop moisture intake, this process commonly take place while carrying out repairs, but it is also carried out as prevent measure in the course of our works.

Below is a very basic introduction into our end grain sealing process :-

  1. Firstly an assessment of the unprotected areas and if needed all necessary repairs are carried out.
  2. Sanding of the unprotected areas back to the bare timber and removal of any dust or dirt.
  3. The Window Care System 2 part stabilizer is then applied with a small deep brush deep into the end grain of the timber.
  4. Once the wood 2 part stabilizer has dried we then seal the areas with Window Care System end grain sealer, working the sealer well into the surface. Drying times vary dependant on weather conditions.