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Sash Window

Have you been advised that your sash windows are beyond repair.

In many situations replacing windows is not the only option. Manypeople when faced with a draught through their windows or the awkward non-sliding windows are generally told that their windowneeds to be replaced.

We specialise in sash window renovation and we are experts indraught proofing and restoring your windows. With our expertise you can opt for sash window renovation rather than replacementso that the appeal and unique quality of your sash windows can be retained.

Step by Step Guide through our Renovation Process :-

  1. The old staff beads and parting beads are removed.
  2. The top and bottom sashes are removed and excess paint removed from the outer linings and pulley stiles. Sometimes this involves taking layers of paint off exposing the bare timber. This is to allow smooth movement to the top sash. The gap between the parting bead and the outer lining gets smaller and smaller with each layer of paint applied, this in turn reduces the channel for the top sash to slide up and down.
  3. Removal of weight pockets and counter balance weights.
  4. Necessary repairs are made to box frame and both sashes using Window Care Systems 4 part epoxy resin repair system.
  5. Glazing is checked and loose or missing putty repaired and replaced.
  6. Pulley wheels are checked and serviced. Broken or damaged pulley wheels are replaced with new ball bearing pulley wheels.
  7. Weight cavities will be checked for wagtails. These are small strips of timber normally 3mm thick and 50mm wide and go from the head pulley stile down to 50mm of the window sill. Wagtails separate the two counter balance weights and they can be seen by looking inside the weight cavity through the hole where the weight pockets have been removed.
  8. Both sashes and counter balance weights are weighed and then necessary adjustments made. (Please see the note below which explains how we calculate this).
  9. Any bare timber is now given one coat of wood primer.
  10. Sashes are checked to ensure the correct fitting to the box frame and for smooth movement up and down.
  11. New heavy duty waxed sash cords, old weights and make weights are now fitted.
  12. Brush pile carrier is machined into both sashes - a groove is made and the correct sized brush pile is then fitted. This not only gives a permanent solution to the effects of draughts but also qualifies for a reduced payable VAT rate of 5% in recognition of the contribution towards energy efficiency.
  13. Glass is now cleaned on both sashes.
  14. Top sash is checked again and re-hung to ensure easy sliding and alignment.
  15. New draught proofing parting beads are fitted with our brush-pile system (ensuring a sufficient gap between parting beads and outer lining).
  16. The bottom sash is checked again and re-hung to ensure easy sliding and alignment of the meeting rails. New draught proofing staff beads are fitted with our brush-pile system, ensuring smooth movement to the bottom sash and checking that the gap at the meeting rails is correct.
  17. Beads are sealed with mastic and any nail holes to staff beads are filled.

Additional Notes

To calculate sash weights we :-

  • Weigh the top and the bottom sashes to find the total weight including glass.
  • Add 2lb to top sash total weight (1lb each side). The counter balance weights must be heavier than the top sash to ensure the top sash always stays tightly shut with no gaps where the top rail touches the top pulley stile.
  • Subtract 2lb from the bottom sash total counter balance weight (1lb each side). The weights must be lighter than the bottom sash to prevent the sash rising.
  • Divide the total counter balance weight in half to find the weights required.